AI-based Well Optimization

NAFTAMATIKA offers modern, efficient, proven solutions for producing oil wells. Our Customers get technologies and equipment, that have no analogs in the world. We have developed and are producing the unique automation equipment for oil production and are supplying our partner's products. Our company is focusing on innovations, is permanently carrying out R&D, upgrading the produced equipment and improving the quality of services.

Based on the product line of intellectual controllers we develop special-purpose solutions according to Customer's requirements specification for different oil production, transportation and storage facilities. Utilizing the whole line of controllers for different facilities and uniting them into a network, we build “intellectual” oilfield, that has the following characteristics:

  • Large-scale automation of oilfield equipment

  • Data acquisition and transmission via SCADA for real-time processing

  • Field development control based on monitoring of main parameters in real time

  • Field development management


NAFTAMATIKA fulfils system automation projects for different oil production facilities, including construction and assembling works, commissioning and metrological calibration. We install control stations and controllers of various manufacturers, provide maintenance support, routine maintenance, warranty and after-warranty service. We can design and install data acquisition and remote control systems by means of different communication types. We also construct industrial networks. NAFTAMATIKA offers various solutions for surface and downhole equipment optimization, analysis of its efficiency, extension of overhaul period for well equipment, operating costs reduction and production rate increase. Our company is permanently carrying out R&D in the field of development and upgrade of control stations and automatic control systems for different oil production and transportation facilities. Our specialists provide also rod pumping optimization trainings.

Watch the video for an explanation on how Naftamatika's Well Sim Controller monitors the pump through the entire cycle, creating a dynagraph that provides REAL-TIME Diagnostics to optimize the pump operation. Well Sim information can be accessed remotely from anywhere in the world.


WellSim® Rod Pump Controller (WellSim RPC) is designed for real-time control of sucker rod pump, processing and transmission of acquired data to remote computer or SCADA. WellSim allows to significantly reduce the cost of production due to: repair and maintenance costs reduction, increase in production up to 2-4%, energy savings up to 67%.

You can create a smart oilfield equipping your wells with WellSim controllers and connecting them to our SCADA system – NaftaSCADA. By means of complex mathematical model controller calculates current condition of the well and the pump, and represents that data in easy to read and interpret way to operator using graphical model. WellSim RPC stands out for its high performance that allows to process complex calculations in real time, it is adapted to work in harsh conditions (including far north and deserts environment) and has a wide range of features for flexible well mode adjustment and ease of technological operations.


NaftaSCADA is a universal supervisory control and data acquisition software designed to collect, organize and analyze data coming from remote Rod Pump controllers and any other oilfield objects like pump stations. The system provides full well control, contains modern software for analysis of all parameters for each well, as well as remote control and flexible tuning.

NaftaSCADA is using web-based GUI allowing access from remote computer without specific software using only internet browser. That technology also allows to use mobile devices to gain access to full spectrum of functions and historical data (surface cards, downhole cards, wattmeter cards etc.). When switching from one well to another selected information will refresh automatically in objects tree.

NaftaSCADA provides set of technologist tools such as 3D analysis of well rods and counterweight balancing assistant. Also there is a possibility to set register map for processing of data from other objects and auxiliary wellhead equipment (echo sounder, pressure gauge etc.). It can be configured to send collected data to controller and then to NaftaSCADA. This feature allows to use registers other that default ones, that makes connection of third-party systems available.


Naftamatika Artificial Intelligence analyzes the shape of the dynagraph and compares it with the typical dynagraph shapes corresponding to typical malfunctions. Neural network is trained on a large number of real dynagraph cards and is able to determine the overlap of several defects on each other. Recognition is done by pattern method and a new type of warning can be added

according to the specific requirements of the customer. Recommendations are issued with a note of the severity of malfunction.


Well Sim Controller

  • The controller:

      • calculates flow rate without using additional flow meters

      • plots and analyzes dynagraphs

      • records electrical consumption

      • collects statistics

      • provides remote management of well equipment and data acquisition by SCADA

Well Sim Simulator

This device allows the operator to simulate real-time conditions at the pump. Pump simulation can be viewed on laptop, tablet, or smartphone. Wi-Fi and ethernet connect it to PC simulation software.

Well Sim Sensors

A line of very precise sensors designed for installation on your well equipment. Our sensors allow to choose optimal configuration for different operating conditions. They are all designed to operate in hostile and explosive environments as well as severe climatic conditions.

Vettore PWR is partnered with Naftamatika to bring their innovation solutions to North America. Vettore PWR provides full service and support for Naftamatika technology, including field services and training.